I started a little library called RAAWS for Ruby Associate Amazon Web Services. It’s in a very early stage of development, so don’t use it yet.
Anyway fiddling around with amazon api responses, I often felt like having a clear look at the xml directly in my a rails view, but found nowhere a good depth-first tree traversal method in any of the libraries (hpricot, libxml, nokogiri, rexm…ha no) to help me spit it out in a readable html list.
So after a little struggle :
require "rubygems"
require "xml/libxml"
#require "active_support"
def traverse(node)
children = node.children.select {|a| a.element?}
txt = "<h1>HTML output</h1><ul>"
last_depth, depth = 1, 1
while child = children.shift
depth = child.path.split("/").size.to_i - 2
if depth > last_depth
txt << "\n<ul>"
elsif depth < last_depth
txt << "</ul>\n" * (last_depth - depth)
txt << "<li>#{child.name} : <i>#{child.content if child.children.all? {|a| a.text?}}</i></li>\n"
a = child.children.select {|c| c.element?}
unless a.empty?
last_depth = depth
open("output.html", "w") do |f|
f.write txt << "</ul>"
xml = XML::Document.file("chaplin.xml")
# p xml.root.namespaces
If anyone has a better way, please let me know, specially with node.path.split(‘/’) to get the nodes depth, it’ really a dirty hack.